The ECO3 Scheme

Get a Greener Home

​It’s not rocket science: a poorly insulated home loses heat. What’s the point of heating your home if you can’t retain it within your four walls? You may as well open the front door and heat the street. It’s costly, it makes for a draughty home and it’s just not cosy or homely through the winter months. It’s not good for your health either, mentally nor physically. 

So insulating your home is a really good idea. 

But what about homeowners (or private tenants) who can't afford to insulate their homes? How do they fund an upgrade to their energy efficiency requirements? 

>> The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme. That’s how. 

It’s NOT government funded but funded directly from the energy companies themselves. The money comes from the energy companies in the form of a ‘green tax’ which is available to certain households who meet the criteria: low incomes and in receipt of certain benefits. 

It’s a no brainer: if you are eligible for something that will make a difference not only to the warmth of your house, but also in reducing carbon emissions, then you should take it. It’s a scheme that has been designed to help people on low incomes/benefits affordably heat their homes. It’s also bang in line with the Government's Carbon Net Zero plans. 

Here at Get a Greener Home we are the installers who source and install the materials to help wrap your home up. You can read all about the process

HERE on how we project manage and tailor each job to your specific requirements and how we assess and come up with a retrofit design. 

Now back to the ECO stuff…

The scheme is now in its 3rd phase (hence why it’s called ECO3) and we help you to make it a simple process to access the funding. 

If you have any questions you can contact us by:

0800 009 6452

or you can fill out our contact form here. 

Have a warmer winter in your home.


First Blog!


​​The Heat and Buildings Strategy (& the Lost Ten Years)